Synthetic Bone Grafts How Can This Option Help Your Recovery While in Assisted Living?

Your surgeon has prescribed a synthetic bone graft for your next procedure. You’ve heard of an autograft and an allograft. However, you’re not familiar with a synthetic bone graft. Watch the YouTube video “How to use 4Matrix + bone graft putty” for a full description. The video below explains what synthetic bone graft putty is and how it can benefit patients that do not meet the requirements for an autograft.

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As you move to an assisted living facility, here’s what you can expect. We live in an age where nearly anything is possible. If you need a bone graft but don’t have sufficient tissue, you are referred to an autograft. However, there are many dangers associated with an autograft. For example, disease present in the tissue may be transferred to the recipient of the autograft.

Of course, there are procedures to ensure that this doesn’t happen, but they aren’t foolproof. The next obvious step is a synthetic bone graft. Synthetic material such as putty for synthetic bone grafts is used to mimic bone tissue. The greatest advantage of this type of bone graft is that there’s zero chance of disease transfer. This is not a new procedure, but it is a new concept for many people who are unfamiliar with it. As you move into an assisted living facility, consider this life-changing procedure so you can walk and move around your new home soon!

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